Saturday, October 25, 2008

Such a week for the GOP!

The RNC paid $150,000 for Sarah Palin’s wardrobe, purchased with the assistance of Jeff Larson, the McCain campaign’s favorite loathsome robocaller.  And, according to The New York Times, some of the items charged apparently did not go to Palin – it’s a wardobe mystery.


According to The New York Times, Sarah Palin’s traveling makeup artist (classified as “Personnel Svc/Equipment” in the campaign filings) Amy Strozzi, made $22,800 in the first two weeks of October, more than anyone else in the entire McCain campaign organization.  That’s a lot of Cover Girl.  And Palin's traveling hair stylist (classified as ”communications consultant” in the campaign filings), Angela Lew, made $10,000 in the same period.


Michele Bachmann (MN, 6th district) told Chris Matthews on October 17th, that she is "very concerned" that Obama "may have anti-American views" and that the media ought to investigate Congress to see who is pro-American and who is anti-American. 


With these statements, Bachmann managed to raise $1.4 million from outraged voters all over the country – for her opponent, Elwyn Tinklenberg.  She had been expected to cruise to victory, but now the NRCC (National Republican Congressional Committee) has pulled their advertising on her behalf, and Tinklenberg is now running neck and neck with her in the polls.


Speaking of the NRCC, bowing to financial realities, they've  also pulled funding for a bunch of other incumbents including the hateful and homophobic Marilyn Musgrave of Colorado’s 4th district. 


What else?  Oh, yeah.  John McCain’s brother Joe, younger, but also possessing the infamous McCain temper and arrogance, called 911 in Communist Northern Virginia to complain about a traffic blockage approaching the Wilson Bridge.  When the 911 operator pointed out that 911 is for emergencies only, Mr. McCain replied “Fuck you,” and disconnected. 


“I don't know why I called 911,” McCain says. “I've never called 911 before. I guess I thought they might have some explanation.”

After dialing 911, McCain called Alexandria Police to ask them about the traffic on the bridge, calling the situation an “absurdity.”  


Alexandria Police:  "Did you just call 911 in reference to this?  911 is used for emergencies only, not because you're just sitting in traffic."


Joe McCain: “This isn't traffic. This is a pretty serious malfunction.... Do we just sit here indefinitely while this bridge malfunctions?”


To finish off the week, there’s the lovely and talented Ashley Todd.  She’s the McCain campaign volunteer, who reported to Pittsburgh police that she was robbed by a big, scary black man who subsequently beat her and carved a backwards B on her face because she had a McCain bumper sticker on her car.  After receiving sympathetic phone calls from both McCain and Palin and a WHOLE LOTTA media attention, she admitted to police that she made the whole thing up.  She added that she has mental problems.  To the extent that anybody who still supports John McCain is crazy, I suppose that’s true.


She has been charged with filing a false police report and is in jail awaiting a psychiatric evaluation.


Can't wait to see what next week brings.

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